Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Colorful, Fashion Conscious USBCELL Batteries

I’ve you haven’t heard of USBCELL batteries, I’ll give you the lowdown. Essentially, they’re rechargeable batteries. However, instead of spending money on an expensive charger, you use any free USB ports on your computer to charge them. Last time I checked they had AAA, AA, and 9 Volt models. I know there’s a bit more of a trick the AAA size because a USB plug is a little bit bigger than the diameter of the battery, but the AA size have caps (on the positive side) that fold off to reveal the USB connector for charging.

They really are a good idea, and not too too expensive. I think they’re more than your ordinary battery, but as far as rechargeables go, they’re reasonable, especially taking into consideration the cost of typical chargers. Well, now as Engadget is reporting, USBCELLs will be coming in a variety of colors. Verity Wright, the design director is quoted as saying, “With virtually every other portable company launching fashionable pastel colored products, it's about time the Billions of AA Batteries inside caught up with the design and fashion concerns of modern consumers.” That’s just it, they’re on the inside, who cares? If they don’t cost the consumer any more to get a pack of colorful USBCELLs I can’t blame them, but if they plan on charging a premium for these tidbits of pastel portable power, then I’ve got a gripe.

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