Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Solid Alliance Strikes Again with an USB Engine Hub

As if I haven’t posted enough about stupid products from SolidAlliance, it appears as if they’ve done it again! This time, they’ve released a three-port USB Hub designed to look like an engine. Plus, as if the sticks-out-like-a-sore-thumb oversized hub wasn’t enough, it comes complete with sound effects as well as a kick start and gear shift pedal.

Check out the video below for a quick demonstration by the president of SolidAlliance. After seeing this $43 hub in action, I’m sure you’ll see why they expect it to be their “best seller in Japan and also worldwide.”

[Via Engadget]

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Brando Wii Light Gun

Here’s a two-part follow-up post. The first part is yet another Wii accessory from Brando. When I was checking out their page when posting about the Cooking Mama set, I noticed several other zany Wii accessories. They’re all pretty novel and fairly interesting, so I think I’ll be doing several posts about these random products. The second part of this follow-up is to the Wii-Blaster that I posted about a couple weeks ago.

Just looking at the Brando version of the blaster, it looks a lot sleeker. Its solid white design is a lot simpler and fits better into the Wiicessory look. Essentially the functionality is going to be the same because you’ll still be using the Wiimote and Nunchuck. The $17 price tag also gives it a $3 advantage over the Gamestop version. So, this one might be the light gun conversion kit to buy if you’re planning on getting the new on-rails Resident Evil for Wii.