Monday, June 4, 2007

SanDisk SSDs to 64GB

This isn’t exactly ground breaking news but SanDisk just announced that they’ve doubled the size of their 2.5” and 1.2” solid-state disk drives from 32GB to 64GB. Mainly the good news is that as storage capacity continues to increase these more efficient drives will become more viable as options in more efficient laptops. The idea is that they access data much faster and use less power, so they’re perfect for a fast and energy efficient portable. Plus, the 64GB size puts these drives right into the ring with typical laptop drives that range from 60GB to 120GB.

One more application for these drives could be iPods or other portable media players. Currently iPods offer up to 8GB of solid-state memory in the iPod Nano and up to 80GB in the hard drive model. Using a solid-state disk in full-sized video iPods would do a whole lot of good. These drives are not only smaller but also use less energy (as I’ve stated) so that means longer battery life, plus they have no moving parts so you don’t have to worry about messing anything up when you go running with your tunes.

By the way, if you didn’t know, you’re not supposed to go running with your iPod (unless it’s a Shuffle or a Nano). Regular iPods and the old Mini’s have moving hard drives and the shock from running with them can screw things up inside and eventually lead to an untimely death of you several-hundred-dollar investment.

[Via Engadget]

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