Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Domain Registration!

For years, basically since I knew what exactly a domain was, I’ve wanted to own a domain. When I started blogging I thought it would be cool to own the domains for my blogs. However, Bêtise was taken and so was Audiosyncratic. Now, however, I switched the name to Technosyncratic and guess what domain is available! Tonight I decided since domains are relatively cheap, and I have a Visa I would just go right ahead and register my domain! That’s right! is now my domain (so is, you can’t be that $0.99 price).

The domains aren’t live quite yet, since it takes some time to get DNS servers straightened out. But, in the next few days you should be able to get here by going to either of my new domains. It’s not much easier, especially since most of my traffic (not that much) comes from people clicking links, but I just think it’s damn cool to own a domain.

1 comment:

No Name said...

Nice, dude. Hopefully you'll get more hits now that it's actually registered.

I wonder how long (or, if it's even possible) it'll take for .blog domain names to pop up. I'd probably register if it was cheap.