Tuesday, April 3, 2007

PSP Price Drop: Sony Shafts the Euros Again

While I’m not interested (at all) in buying a PSP, I’ve known for some time that it’s just too expensive for lots of people to consider, especially when its competitor the, Nintendo DS, is hovering just over $100. Well, also for some time, people have been actively complaining about the PSP’s $200 price point. As Engadget reports, it seems as if Sony is finally listening to its potential customers and doing something about it. While the article doesn’t make specific reference, the article they cite explains that the new price for the pack will be $179, which isn’t a huge cut.

The little bit of this news that sticks out to me is that Sony said “We have no announcements to make about the PSP in the European market at this time.” As you may remember I posted previously about Europe getting the shaft on backwards compatibility, not to mention the regrettably late launch of the PS3 across the Atlantic. I don’t know what it is about Sony and Europe, it just seems they like to give them the stick whenever possible, late PS3 launch, higher price for it, limited backwards compatibility, and now no plans to reduce the cost of the already pricey PSP. I’m not a big fan of Sony these days as it is, but if I lived in Europe, who knows what I’d think.

1 comment:

No Name said...

Real reason why Sony gives Europe the shaft with just about everything: The entire region are complete Sony fanboys. I have no idea why, but it's always been Sony's strongest supporter.