Thursday, April 12, 2007

Apple TV Upgrade Kit

So, the Apple TV is out even after its delay. If you’ve got one, and some expensive white cables to go along with it, what else could you possibly want? Well, more storage space, that’s what. The Apple TV ships with a measly 40GB hard drive. And if you’ve got a nice collection of feature length movies and TV shows, you might be running out of space already! If you haven’t heard there’s about a bazillion ways to get hacking the Apple TV (already). If you’re the totally balls-to-the-wall do-it-yourself type, check out, as they’ve got a pretty decent collection going on.

However, if you’re looking to expand your storage capacity but can’t be bothered to rip out the drive from the Apple TV and doing some disk copying and restoring, WeaKnees has got your back! They’re offering up a 160GB drive (4 times the storage) that comes preformatted to work with Apple TV, for $199. While it seems a bit steep it’s really only about $50 more than it would cost to go out and buy a drive and enclosure yourself and performing all of the work. On top of saving you time, this premium service offers a six-month warranty, seeing as performing this surgery on your Apple TV will immediately void your manufacturer’s warranty.

So, if you’ve got an Apple TV and you’re jonesing for more space this service could be a godsend. They’ve got tons of info on the website to help you along the process to make sure that everything goes smoothly.

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