Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Just when I was thinking there hadn't been anything worth mocking yet today, Engadget posted about "Reveal", brought to us by Adam Frank. "What is it?" you might be asking. Well, It's a light projector, that looks like a cross between a security camera and an Apple iSight. Now you might be asking, "What is a light projector? Sounds kind of like any spotlight to me." Well that's essentially what it is, only it casts a shadow of window panes and a tree.

The idea here, is to give the illusion of light being cast on a wall from a window on the other side of the room. It should be noted that this window has a tree planted directly outside of it. As an added bonus, it will appear that it is a windy day, and that said tree will sway in said wind. While it might create this illusion, soon enough you'll realize that you're still in the basement chowing down on Cheetos. What this lacks, is just about everything good about windows...

So, for the Artsy few who would consider this only a slight waste of money, you'll find them at the Adam Frank website, available in April 2007. I would actually recommend, however, that you take a quick look around the site. There are a few interesting concepts, I will admit. The most interesting, to me, is "Inside." Enjoy!

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